Bio & CV

My name is Gabriel (Gabi) Guillén, and I am a Professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) at Monterey, California. I also actively partner and consult with leading publishers, edtech companies, and educational institutions such as McGraw Hill, Jiveworld, and the College Board.

At MIIS, I have designed and taught courses across five different modalities: in person, blended, online synchronous, online asynchronous, and experiential learning in Colombia and Salinas, California. My teaching spans three areas of specialization: TESOL and Teaching Foreign Language (TFL), Intercultural Competence (ICC), and Language Studies (LS). I also taught and co-taught courses in the Environmental Policy and Management (EPGM) and Translation & Interpretation (T&I) programs.

Some of my recent courses include Pedagogical Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching, Language Analysis (TESOL/TFL); Exploring Sustainable Agriculture Transitions in Rural Colombia (EPGM); Communication in Multicultural Settings, Spanish in the Community, Spanish in the Global Community (ICC); Topics in Latin American Politics, Spanish Digital Projects, Spanish Talks for Social Change, Spanish Social Entrepreneurship, Spanish Fake News & Persuasion, Spanish Current Events, and Communication & Society (LS); and Spanish Preparation for Translation & Interpretation (T&I).

Recent projects include:

I completed my PhD at the University of California, Davis, where I developed some of the first online and hybrid Spanish courses in the UC system and wrote a dissertation on virtual exchanges.

In a previous life I was an AECID lecturer, a study abroad coordinator, a web developer, an instructional designer, and a journalist. I have published more than 300 articles in the Spanish media and founded the first community of blogs dedicated to the interchange of languages, which I built using Drupal and hosted on my own server (2007).

If you visit this site from a computer, you’ll see this picture in the background. I took it at Donum Estate in Sonoma, and it features the Vertical Panorama Pavilion, created by Studio Other Spaces. Feel free to visit my Pixabay channel if you’d like to see more of my photos, which I usually take with my phone.

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