Berlin Wall at the Newseum

Bio & CV

Hi there! My name is Gabriel (Gabi) Guillén and I am a Professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS). I have worked with and continue to collaborate with different publishers, edtech companies, and educational institutions such as McGraw Hill, Jiveworld, and the University of California, Davis, where I completed a PhD with a focus on Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL).

At MIIS, I teach second language acquisition, intercultural competence, and content-based Spanish courses such as Pedagogical Grammar in Foreign Language Teaching, Language Analysis, Exploring Sustainable Agriculture Transitions in Rural Colombia, Communication in Multicultural Settings, Spanish in the Community, Spanish in the Global Community, Spanish Digital Projects, Spanish Talks for Social Change, Spanish Preparation for Translation & Interpretation, Spanish Social Entrepreneurship, Spanish Fake News & Persuasion, Spanish Current Events, or Communication & Society.

Recent projects include:

  • Incorporating Project-Based Language Learning (2023) into Team Tandem, our intercultural exchange program in Salinas (started in 2015).
  • Developing the Intercultural Communicative Competence curriculum for all McGraw Hill Spanish titles (2022).
  • Launching a school site and providing pedagogical advice for Jiveworld, the startup behind the Spanish app Lupa (2020)
  • Leading the creation of a language specialization for professional purposes at the Middlebury Institute (2020).
  • Co-authoring the third edition of the book Brave New Digital Classroom with Robert Blake (2020), an overview on key concepts and challenges of teaching and learning languages with technology, with a new focus on social CALL.

I was also Director (2019-2020) and Spanish Coordinator (2017-2019) for the Summer Intensive Language Program at the Middlebury Institute and now teach at our Summer Language Schools in Vermont.

In a previous life I was an AECID lecturer, a study abroad coordinator, a web developer, an instructional designer, and a reporter. I have published more than 300 articles in the Spanish media and created the first community of blogs dedicated to the interchange of languages.

Here is my CV.

Featured image: A section of the Berlin Wall at the Newseum in Washington DC. I have a Pixabay channel, if you want to see more pictures, which I usually take with my phone.

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