Learning Spanish with Movies

Here are some Spanish movies, so you find the exit to the Pan’s Labyrinth… First, these are 11 films you can watch on Netflix or Youtube:

1. Guatemala: Ixcanul (Mayan language and Spanish)

2. Argentina: Relatos salvajes

3. Argentina: El secreto de sus ojos

4. Chile: No

5. Estados Unidos: César Chávez (English and Spanish)

6. España: Magical Girl

7. España: La reconquista

8. España: También la lluvia

9. Venezuela: El libertador

10. México: Amores perros

11. Cuba: Buena Vista Social Club (English and Spanish)

There are other Cuban movies I would have included instead of Buena Vista Social Club but they are not on Youtube. However, it would be very easy for you to find them: Fresa y chocolate, Memorias del subdesarrollo, La vida es silbar, La muerte de un burócrata, Suite Habana, Guantanamera, etc.

Otras películas:

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